The Benefits of Using Descriptive vs. Generic URLs

The Benefits of Using Descriptive vs. Generic URLs

URLs provide search engines and consumers with content information. However, not all URLs are created equal. You may come across two different kinds of URLs: descriptive and generic URLs.

Both of these kinds of URLs are available online. Comparing URLs that are descriptive and generic. Giving users a brief overview of a website is the aim of descriptive URLs.

The Benefits of Using Descriptive vs. Generic URLs

They are typically shorter and more direct, describing the subject using relevant keywords. On the other hand, generic URLs are typically much longer and are generated at random by the server using a character combination.

But why is this relevant, anyway?

Actually, using descriptive URLs has several benefits and can enhance your website’s functionality considerably. Using descriptive URLs can help you with both search engine optimization and user experience on your website.

Additionally, descriptive URLs make updating and managing your website’s content easier. Conversely, generic URLs might deceive users and negatively impact your website’s search engine ranking.

In this blog post, we’ll look at the benefits of using descriptive URLs instead of generic ones. You will learn

An explanation of URLs and their importance in web development
Unique web pages can be found on the internet by their URLs. Web developers use URLs to direct users to specific pages.

URLs facilitate both SEO and navigation. Due to the fact that search engines employ URLs to index and scan web pages,

URLs greatly influence a website’s position on search engine results pages (SERPs).

An explanation of the differences between URLs that are descriptive and generic

Descriptive URLs provide a concise and understandable description of the content of a web page. They are often short, easy to read, and comprise relevant keywords that accurately represent the content on the page.

On the other hand, generic URLs are usually lengthy and don’t provide any significant

Better SEO:

By using descriptive URLs, you may provide search engines with vital information about the content of a website. The information offered enables search engines to better analyze and index the page, which eventually raises search engine rankings.

Simpler Website Management:

Descriptive URLs make it easier to maintain websites by providing a concise and understandable explanation of the content on each page. This makes it easier to organize and update content on webpages.

The Advantages of Detailed URLs

URLs are used by users to access certain pages on websites and by search engines to index online pages. However, a website’s ability to prosper or fail could be determined by its descriptive versus generic URLs.

We’ll examine why employing descriptive URLs rather than generic ones has advantages. You will understand the importance of descriptive URLs for website success as well as how they improve user experience, search engine optimization (SEO), and website management after reading this piece.

Improved user experience

Better user-friendliness and descriptive URLs inform users of what to expect from a webpage even before they click on it.

This can improve the overall user experience in a few ways, such as:

Streamlined navigation

Descriptive URLs make it easier for users to navigate a website by clearly explaining the content of each page.

Increased reliance:

Because it inspires confidence and trust in them, users are more likely to click on a link with a descriptive URL.

Enhanced accessibility:

Users may find it easier to return to a specific page when they remember descriptive URLs, which are easier to remember.

A descriptive URL, such as “,” gives consumers a clear indication of what to expect on the page, as opposed to a generic one like “”.

Better Search Engine Optimization Metadata

Descriptive URLs are essential to search engine optimization (SEO) because they provide search engines with valuable information about the content of a web page. The information offered enables search engines to better analyze and index the page, which eventually raises search engine rankings.

Descriptive URLs have several benefits for SEO, such as:

Relevant keywords:

The content of descriptive URLs is suitably characterized by relevant keywords. This could improve a website’s ranking for those specific keywords.

Enhanced click-through rates (CTR):

When a website has a descriptive URL, users are more likely to click on it, increasing the website’s CTR and search engine ranking.

Simpler indexing:

Search engines find it easier to identify and index content on a webpage when it has a descriptive URL.


A descriptive URL, such as, is more likely to rank higher on search engine results pages (SERPs) for relevant keywords than a generic URL, such as “

easier website management

Descriptive URLs make website maintenance easier since they provide a concise and clear explanation of the content on each page. This makes it easier to organize and update content on webpages.

Descriptive URLs can improve website administration in the ways listed below:

Best Practices

To ensure that descriptive URLs are effective and easy to manage, it is imperative that you follow recommended standards.

Some best practices for creating meaningful URLs are as follows:


Ensure that all of the website’s descriptive URLs are the same.


Make the URL straightforward and easy to understand.

Avoid using stop words: Terms like “and,” “the,” or “in” should not be included in the URL.


Only lowercase letters should be used in the URL.

Websites like Apple and Amazon, which frequently employ straightforward, readable, lowercase descriptive URLs, are examples of those that follow these best practices.

In summary

The importance of descriptive URLs in web development has now been covered. Descriptive URLs are essential for search engine optimization, website upkeep, and user experience enhancement. We’ve also spoken about the advantages and disadvantages of using descriptive and generic URLs.

Compared to generic URLs, descriptive URLs offer a number of benefits, such as improved user experience, improved search engine optimization, and simpler website administration. Search engine ranking, website management, and user experience can all be adversely affected by generic URLs.

It is highly advised to use descriptive URLs in order to improve website performance. By selecting relevant keywords, creating descriptive phrases, and following best practices, websites can create effective descriptive URLs that accurately reflect the information on the page and improve website performance.

So, if you want to, start using descriptive URLs now.

Common Questions and Their Answers (FAQ)

What is a URL?

What impact do URLs that are descriptive have on SEO?

Descriptive URLs improve SEO by helping search engines understand and rank the page for relevant keywords by providing context and relevancy to the website’s content.

Are lengthy, evocative URLs feasible?

Long, illustrative URLs are in fact conceivable. It is imperative that the URL be succinct, relevant to the content of the page, and easy to read and remember.

Can I change my current generic URLs to ones that are more descriptive?

It is possible to transform existing generic URLs into descriptive URLs. To guarantee that users are redirected to the updated URL and search engines


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