5 Facts Regarding Military Logistic You Need to Know

An alternative Vision

Connecting Military Operations with Business Logistics
During his more than ten years in the U.S. military, Doug Hendriks, Lane Chief, Program Integrator for Special Programs, J8 at Joint Improvised Threat Defeat Agency, U.S. Department of Defense, has gained a wealth of knowledge.

However, Major Hendriks looked to the civilian sector and the University of Washington to further his supply chain and logistics expertise.

Doug discovered what he was seeking when he enrolled in the Master of Supply Chain Transportation & Logistics program.

“By visiting the UW to earn a master’s degree,

I developed a viewpoint that differs from what the military teaches,” he remarked. “The training provided me with fresh perspectives and useful abilities to address logistical issues in risk, performance, and operational management. The methods used in civilian business offered me an advantage.

In 2024, he received his master’s degree. In this interview, Doug discusses how the knowledge and contacts he received from the program have improved his supply chain expertise and aided his career.

Could you characterize your current position of authority?

I worked for the Japanese Improvised-Threat Reduction Organization (JIDO) with the J8 personnel. We maximize on quickly acquiring cutting-edge equipment that we believe will be beneficial to the warfighter.

We examine the potential defense-related uses of civilian technology, and we collaborate with businesses, academic institutions, and government research and development organizations to assist them to generate or procure those technologies.

Why did you decide to get a PhD further?

The military evaluates people for their ability to pursue higher learning and personal development once they reach the field grade level. Through this training, I was able to broaden my views and examine data from a viewpoint other than the Army’s regular logisticalΒ processes. I also learned more effective commercial strategies and approaches inside the military’s logistics sector.

Has your job enabled you to apply what you got?

Without a shadow of a shadow. Following the educational program, I encountered work-related scenarios on many different occasions where I could utilize the coursework to solve problems at work.

We are still analyzing the performance of a recent investment we made in emerging technologies and conducting some cost analytics. ToΒ estimate the project’s long-term monetary value, I went back to the performance administration training, which enabled my senior leaders to makeΒ better decisions based on knowledge.

How do you juggle a full life and your studies?

In the military, decidingΒ to earnΒ a graduate degree is exceedingly challenging. Either you study online or you choose to take a couple of years off to enroll in an at all times higher education program, which is typically reserved for those with extremely specific job aspirations. I was able to return to my studies while nevertheless employed continuously because I participated in this program.

Did you believe soldiers were greeted for the program?

Indeed. I am cognizant that certain colleges possess occasional reservations about including service members in their academic programs. Nonetheless, I found that there was a great deal to investigate in cross-collaboration concerning the manufacturing sector.

Is there a procedure or approach used by the military that isn’t present in the commercial world? Is there a methodology or methodology used by entrepreneurs in the private sector that we should look for and share? It lookedΒ welcoming.

With your time in it, do you form any handy associations?

Developing relationships is important for your achievement in the military. I got along well with the faculty members, who are genuinely accomplished individuals representing highly esteemed organizations.

The course of action additionally involvedΒ a general officer on the advisory board while I was enrolled in classes. His advice and encouragement were very helpful in positioning alongΒ preparing me for progressively more challenging responsibilities in the Army.

In how do you believe obtaining a PhD will grow your career over time?

FromΒ the very beginning, the teachers were immediately abundantly clear that the objective was to enable and prepare us to be agents of transformation in our organizations, to apply the knowledge we gained to our employment,Β and toΒ strengthen the organization throughout its entirety. That’s been the most advantageous thing that I’ve encountered during his travels

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